I am so glad you stopped in to visit! Let’s get you some coffee and I’ll tell you a little about myself…

My name is Dawn Rushing, and I live in southeast Texas. We moved down here from Rhode Island when I was around three or so to escape the recession that was plaguing our nation back around the 80’s. My aunt lived down here and the recession had not hit Texas yet, which gave dad an opportunity to seek employment.

My childhood was not all that exciting nor was it filled with adventures. We never had family vacations. We didn’t have all sorts of family around – just my aunt and cousin. I guess you could say we were strangers in a foreign land… the land of Texas.

Not long after my sister was born, we were forced to move from our first Texas home. The landlord had sold the home to a local business for their expansion but did not tell my parents until a couple of weeks before the deal was closed. Luckily, my dad had a friend who was selling his 2 bedroom, 1 bath 1960’s tin trailer on an acre. It wasn’t much, but it was a roof over our heads. My parents had intentions of building a home or making the place better, but their finances were not always stable and a series of set backs kept improvements from happening.

Dad was driving a truck for a while then ventured into the oil business. Mom stayed at home to tend to me and my sister. When times were good, they were good but when business tanked, it hurt! I remember times when my parents had to cut the cable or mom pawn her wedding ring or the tv or vcr (yes, my friend…signs of the times, haha). It was tough on them! There was even a time when my parents took turns eating so my sister and I could eat. Luckily, the meal alternating wasn’t always our situation – it was a short-lived season but impressionable, nevertheless. While in high school, life took a turn and became more strenuous when dad was injured at work and had to have several surgeries. He severely damaged his knees and back. During his recovery, the company had layoffs. Yes… the rollercoaster continues.

It’s a long story on what my parents went through between employer, attorneys, medical bills… it was a crazy mess! We went from dad making a decent living at that time to mom having to work but only made minimum wage. She didn’t have a college degree and little to no work history – only odd and end jobs. She wasn’t finding anything with financial substance, but she did what she had to in order to bring something in.

The summer before my junior year of high school turned in to something special. I decided to get a job at a local grocery store in order to relieve some of the financial strain on my parents. It was there I met one remarkable guy… Joe Rushing. Something about him intrigued me. He was a jokester (I like funny!), he was respectful and kind, had his head on straight, and he genuinely cared for others. He was a treasure to be unveiled!

A group of us co-workers decided to get together one evening after work and hung out at one of their homes (they lived near the store). Guess who was a part of that group? Yep – Joe Rushing! It was July 23, 1993, and from that day forward, we were pretty much always together and if we were unable to see each other, we were talking on the phone.

We quickly became friends, which blossomed into admiration and evolved into love. On October 10, 1998, I married my high school sweetheart and one incredible man! Though we may have our ups and downs, I love doing life with him and wouldn’t want it any other way! Together, we have two wonderful kids: Emily, who is entering her senior year of high school, and Mark, who is on his second year of middle school. Our family also includes two fur babies, Sandy and Eli.

This is us! I adore my family! They are what makes my heart beat and motivates me to do what I do. Everything I put my efforts towards is to better them. I am so thankful and grateful for them!

Ok, so enough about me. Let me tell you what firecracker faith is all about…

We know a firecracker is a small explosive that creates a loud noise, and some will display beautiful colors when ignited. It’s also someone who is feisty, bold, determined, courageous.

The last several years have been very challenging but those have been the years I have grown the most. If it weren’t for prayers and encouragement of my close circle and my faith in God, I’m not so sure I would have come this far.

I’m still in the midst of my journey but in all honesty, I have come to discover just how real God is. But you know, regardless if you are a believer or not, once we reach the next level, you quickly begin to realize there is another set of challenges to conquer. It’s not always “perfect” but perhaps “quiet and still” for a season because in this thing called life we go from glory to glory, meaning we are increasing, we are elevating, we are improving…

My desire is to equip you to overcome your fears. To help you realize the potential that is lying dormant within you to bring your dreams and desires to fruition. To help you be bold and brave no longer “settling” but encouraging you and motivating you to step out and believe in yourself. To be a voice in helping you overcome life’s challenges and to stand immovable in the face of adversity or when things become difficult and you feel the world closing in on you.

I have lived and am living these things. I am an overcomer. I am going from glory to glory. My story is not over yet and yours isn’t either…